Transport your players to Arrakis

Bardic Tools is the most intuitive, easy-to-use soundboard for TTRPGs.
Now, with music from RPG Audio Vault!

Because great sound should be a cantrip, not a ritual spell.

Have a discount code? You can apply it at checkout.

RPG Audio Vault

An icon depicting RPG Audio Vault

We are thrilled to announce that Bardic Tools is collaborating with audio archwizard and composer extraordinaire Jet Zorbas, from the RPG Audio Vault!

In their own words:

RPG Audio Vault is an ever-growing library of my best music, ambience and sound effects, all designed to bring ultimate immersion to your fantasy RPG worlds! Whether it be Roll20, Dungeons & Dragons, or any other player-led table top system, RPG Audio Vault will bring life & flair to your gaming sessions.

Their newest set of ambience, "The Meadowlands", is the perfect soundtrack for adventures in the calm countryside. Ideal for low-level parties, calm sessions where "you just wanna talk and fight some wolves or whatever", or that one episode before your players face the BBEG where the sun shines, maybe for the last time.

And here's the kicker: They're available in Bardic Tools! All the sounds in "The Meadowlands" are available in The Library, but we've also created a new pre-made with them, to save you the prep time.

Are you a content creator? Note that content from RPG Audio Vault cannot be used in commercially without the appropriate license. A Bardic Tools subscription does not grant you this license. Need help? Get in touch!

See It In Action!

Why not try it out? Here is a little taster for Quiet Meadows of Arendia, a calm, soft track for those sessions where you just want to talk and kill wolves.

Drag, drop, play, stop, and rename to your heart's content!

Click "Play Scene" to get started.


Craft Epic Scenes in Seconds

The final fight with the BBEG. The party's epic victory. The death of a comrade. Epic moments deserve great sound.

Instead of scouring the internet, compose a scene in seconds with our library of hundreds of sounds by brilliant composers like Alexander Nakarada and Scott Buckley.

... or Use a Prebuilt One!

From a haunted mansion to a fierie forest, we have created ready-to-use, epic soundscapes to cut down on your prep time.

We add more soundscapes all the time, so make sure to check often! Crafted a great scene and want to share it? Let us know at!

Bring Your Own Sound

But what if you already have your own library of sounds?

What if you want your owlbears to sound just so?

No problem! Just create an Empty Scene, and upload your own sound!

And So Much More!

Those were only the features we have videos for! Check out our:

  • Butter-smooth cross-fading
  • Drag-and-drop interface
  • Autosave
  • Rename everything
  • A public roadmap
  • Did I mention cross-fading?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Bardic Tools a subscription?

Bardic Tools is developed by one person (Hi, my name is Borja, nice to meet you!), in the time I can squeeze after a very busy day job.

While my dream would be to do Bardic Tools full time, I'm not quite there yet. For now, I can only support a small, paying userbase, until I can afford to cut the hours at my day job.

That said! I understand that not everybody will be in a position to pay for Bardic Tools. If you're really interested, but really can't afford it, send me an email, at! I'm sure we can work something out, especially if you're willing to give me feedback to make it better!

Borja Lorente, the creator of the site, eating ramen
What platforms are supported in Bardic Tools?

Bardic Tools is meant to be a Desktop application primarily. We test it routinely in Chrome and Firefox, and have reasonable confidence that it works on Safari Desktop.

It is a web application, so it should work on mobile, but we make no guarantees on the matter. Specifically, we know a lot of the app's functionality is not present on iOS browsers.

I'm a content creator. Can I use these sounds in my stream/videos?

Yes! Well, mostly.

Most sounds in Bardic Tools are licensed under the Bardic Tools License, CC BY 4.0, or other licenses friendly to content creators. Just make sure you give proper attribution to the author of each sound.

You can find the attribution for each sound next to its title in the Library, or in soundcards.

Here is a list of licenses that explicitly don't allow you to reproduce the songs in public settings such as a YouTube video or a Twitch stream:

We have special tools to help you with licensing. Get in touch at, and we'll be happy to help!

I play over Discord. Can I use Bardic Tools?

Yes! You have a couple of options.

We recommend using Kenku FM, the best soltution for Discord Audio. It integrates with Discord and allows you to stream audio from a Bardic Tools tab.

Alternatively, you can screen share the browser tab where you have Bardic Tools open, which will broadcast the sound to your players.

Here's a video explaining how to do it (we're working on a more detailed guide of our own).

I play over a VTT. Can I use Bardic Tools?
Unfortunately, the best solution we have for now is to ask you to use Discord to stream the Bardic Tools browser tab, as detailed above.

Is this a dealbreaker for you? Email us at with your interest! If many people want this, we'll find a better solution!
What if I buy Bardic Tools and I don't like it?

No problem! If you try out Bardic Tools and don't like it, email us at and we'll issue a full refund for the last period you bought, no questions asked.

Well, that's not entirely true. We reserve the right to ask you how we could improve it to suit your needs better, but we'll refund you either way!

When will Bardic Tools leave Early Access?

As soon as I'm happy to call it the best TTRPG soundboard out there.

For that, I need to implement many features that users in the Discord server have requested, as well as making The Library to be much bigger.

If you'd like to see exactly what I'm working on, you can always check The Roadmap. If you'd like to suggest a feature, you can do so anonymously here.

Can I use Bardic Tools on my phone?

Unfortunately, I don't recommend it.

While you can technically open Bardic Tools on any device with a web browser, the phone experience is not polished yet.

If you're interested in using Bardic Tools on your phone, please let me know on our Discord or by sending an email to